Monday 23 September 2013

Greg James gets naked and straddles a wrecking ball and says: ‘Miley Cyrus is ludicrous’

Greg James has opened up about that time he got naked and tried to embed a wrecking ball in his tenderness by saying he did it “to show how completely ridiculous” Miley Cyru has been acting lately. A thing he did by copying entirely. He did a ridiculous thing to highlight how ridiculous the thing is. It… it makes sense, okay? Don’t overthink it.
Speaking to Digital Spy, Greg joked about the spoof video he made in the wake of Wrecking Ball-gate, saying Miley would “probably quite turned on” by his clammy, naked hardware swinging.
Here's that naked picture of Greg James you asked for

“On a simple level, the only reason I did it was to make people laugh,” Greg ROFL’d. “I wanted to show how completely ludicrous that video is… by making an absolute fool of myself.
“But it seems to have gone down quite well. I’m quite pleased with it. I think [Miley] would probably be quite turned on.” If you look at what she did to Robin Thicke’s trousers, Greg, you’d know that Miley Cyrus is perennially turned on. Like a thin, naked, horny dog.
"I spoke to my dad afterwards and he said, 'Well done, I think it was very good',” Greg continued. “I said, 'Do you think it was as good as the original?' and he went, 'What original?'
The boys

"He didn't even know what Miley Cyrus was. So he'd seen mine and thought it was an original composition... that's proof that parents love you no matter what you do." That’s what Billy Ray Cyrus is trying to tell himself, yes.
Greg is also set to present BBC Three show Staying in with Greg & Russell with Russell Kane, who is 33 years old and who added, thirty-three-ily: “I think Miley would be jealous that there's someone with more feminine buttocks.
“I don't know if you've seen that movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind where you can erase a memory? After I watched Greg's video, I did check to see if that was real. I've been in counselling because I saw the unedited ones where there's a glimpse of pube." Keep trying, Russell Kane.

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